Kasturibai Mahila Mandali

#1-8-725/A/1/10, Flat No. 204, Balaji Bhagya Nagar Apts, Nallakunta, Hyderabad, Telangana 500044
2-1-72 Vegetable Market Road Hyderabad Telangana 500044 IN

KASTURIBAI MAHILA MANDALI is a Non- government Organization registered under Andhra Pradesh Public Societies Registration Act 1350 Fasil. In the year 1999 vide registration No. 4891/1999 working for purely for upliftment of the weaker sections presently we are working in Warangal & Karimnagar districts . it is a non political and non profitable organization working for the poorest of the poor living below poverty line and irrespective of caste religion and creed.
The institution is a non-governmental, non sectarian secular, non political and Non-Profit making voluntary institution since its inception the organization has been working in the field of health, education, environment, agricultural, women and child development and other various developmental Programmers of the rural & weaker sections of societies in the state of Andhra Pradesh of Warangal & Karimanagar Districts. The organization contributes a major share in the district with active co-operation, involvement and participation of the people of Warangal & Karimnagar Districts on both urban and rural areas. Special attention has been give for eradication of illiteracy of rural peoples by organizing regular coaching classes and seasonal literacy Programmes and non-formal education.