Swayam Krishi Sangam SKS NGO was established with a vision to “Eradicate Poverty in India”. It was registered as Public Society on 18.12.1997 with Registration no. 6528 of year 1997 under AP (Telangana Areas) Public Societies Registration Act 1350 Fasli (Act of I of 1350 F).
The spirit and philosophy of the institution is enshrined in its Aims and Objectives which purport to Undertake, promote and co ordinate programs of integrated rural development for the benefit of the rural poor, including women and other disadvantaged groups, by addressing the basic needs of livelihood, shelter, medical care, education, and adult literacy.
SKS over a period of 15 years has evolved into a dynamic mosaic of professional social development Institution, foraying into the most challenging areas of Ultra Poverty, Education and Rural Livelihoods.